Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Country: Latvia
Organiser of LV workshops, representative of “Latvia’s State Forests” success story
Contact person
Aleksejs Nipers
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies is one of the leading universities of science and technologies in the Baltic Sea region, specializing in the sustainable use of natural resources aimed at the enhancement of quality of life for society.
Its mission is to develop a competitive intellectual capital on the basis of excellence in research, application of research findings, high quality of education and effective management of the university. LBTU’s research specialisation is based on its vision, evaluating the university’s scientific competence regarding the development challenges of Latvia, the Baltic Sea region, and the European Union, as well as global challenges. The scientific competence of the university grasps the areas that are related to the sustainable use of natural resources. When establishing the fields of the university’s research specialisation, the topicality of each chosen option was assessed with regard to the aspect of the society’s quality of life in the present and the future, needs of the national economy, and the applicability of the expected results. Biosciences include agricultural sciences, as well as related sub-branches in life-sciences, medical and health sciences. The main research activities are connected with agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine.