Devoted to the project’s mission, BioRural partners never miss the opportunity to attend events, workshops and conferences related to the circular Bioeconomy around Europe. Only 4 months since the project was launched, partners have already pulled their resources towards creating synergies and future collaborations with other EU funded projects and stakeholders of similar sectors.
Let’s have a look at the events BioRural’s partners participated in:
In October, BioRural Project Coordinator Dr. Thanos Balafoutis, had the opportunity to present the project at the kick off meeting of MainstreamBIO in Thessaloniki, a project approved within the same call under Horizon Europe, giving BioRural the chance to start its networking efforts, while identifying significant synergies and areas for collaboration.

During the same month, BioRural had the chance to attend, the “Projects2Projects mobilisation and mutual learning workshop” in Brussels, dedicated to sharing knowledge and lessons learned between previous and ongoing Bioeconomy projects and comprised a satellite event, prior to the High Level Bioeconomy Conference. Project Manager Bas Paris from Institute for Bio-economy and Agri-technology, gave an in depth presentation on the project’s key actions towards the creation of a pan-European Rural Bioeconomy Network and the promotion of small-scale biobased solutions in rural areas.

Another highlight of the month was that BioRural joined the European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet), a proactive alliance of 113 EU funded projects and initiatives dealing with bioeconomy promotion, communication and support. EuBioNet is promoted by the #Transition2Bio and works in collaboration with the European commission and CBE JU Programme and aims to increase knowledge sharing, networking and mutual learning among its members.

Of course, our partners’ activities do not stop there; In late October, the Project Coordinator Dr. Thanos Balafoutis (iBO) had the opportunity to present BioRural at the Agrotica Expo agricultural fair in Thessaloniki, which was an excellent occasion for the project to stand out, as Agrotica Expo is one of the biggest agro-events in the Balkans, bringing together more than 100,000 stakeholders from the agricultural sector each year!

In November, our project’s partner Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas attended the 10th Scientific-Practical Conference “Strengthening the competitiveness of Lithuanian rural areas: Good practices”, held at the Agriculture Academy of Vytautas Magnus University, in Lithuania! Professor Vlada Vitunskiene gave a thorough presentation under the title “Small-scale biobased solutions to reveal the potential of circular Bioeconomy in rural areas”.

On the 25th of November, BioRural was presented during the Workshop of Joint Research Centre (JRC) Foresight Farmers and Rural Communities in Transformative Futures: Which Role for Digitalisation?, organised by Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) in Goumenissa, Greece. Project Coordinator Thanos Balafoutis (Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), as well as Grigoris Chatzikostas from Foodscale Hub, were there to enhance the project’s socialisation.

On the 7th December, BioRural had the opportunity to meet the Horizon2020 project COOPID, in an online meeting that brought together multiple stakeholders. During this meeting, the two projects explored synergies to stimulate Circular European Bioeconomy, identifying multiple areas for collaboration.

This is only the beginning of our trips around Europe! Tune in to follow our journey towards spreading the word about BioRural!