The new year has started very productively for the BioRural consortium! Our partners are actively spreading the project’s news, while grabbing all opportunities for new synergies and alliances with other EU projects. Cooperation always brings the best results possible!
Let’s take a look at BioRural’s most recent activities:
In January, BioRural was featured in the English news website, Portugal Business News, as partners University of Coimbra and Centro da Biomassa para a Energia represent the Portuguese region in the project, bringing their expertise in the consortium.
In February, our project kicked off its networking alliance with SEEDSPRO2WINE, an EU funded project under the LIFE auspices, which aims to extract circular based alternative protein from grape seeds for the wine making process. The two projects dedicated to their objectives, are ready to join forces and cooperate on:
- Awareness raising & networking activities
- Communication and dissemination activities
- Development of joint project ideas around circular Bioeconomy

During the same month, BioRural continued its social activities, promoting its synergy with the MainstreamBio project, which sets out to get small-scale bio-based solutions into mainstream practice across rural Europe, by offering innovative digital tools. The two projects, funded under the same EU call, met virtually to explore synergies between their respective toolkits and at the same time support the development of the European Bioeconomy!

More updates and exciting synergies are soon to come! Stay tuned!