Green Growth Platform as a consortium partner in the BioRural project, successfully organised three national multi-actor innovation workshops, covering the topics: inland raw material production (feedstock), aquatic biological feedstock and Biobased industries and services, with a focus on the implementation of small-scale bio-based solutions in North Macedonia’s rural areas.
The workshop on inland raw material production (feedstock) took place at the Faculty of Agriculture part of the “University of Goce Delchev” in Shtip and was attended by relevant stakeholders from the academia, technology, governmental bodies, and policy makers engaged in the agri-food sector as well as students of agriculture.

The BioRural project`s goals and activities were presented by the president of the Green Growth Platform – Natasha Ristovska PhD along with an overview of the local bioeconomy compared to the bioeconomy of the EU. This overview was derived from the results of a survey of actors from all bio-economy sectors that was part of previous working packages of the project.
The founder and CEO of the Eco Solar company Mr. Zoran Trajkov presented the company’s profile and activities. Their specialty being production of solar air-dryers to be utilized in the food processing industry is an excellent example of applying the principles of circular bioeconomy in this particular value chain.

The workshop ended with a practical exercise targeted at the implementation of potential bio-based solutions in several different value chains such as primary agricultural production, viticulture and wine production and livestock and meat production which are part of the predominant industries in the country. Thanks to this grass-root level ideas were captured along with inventions for small scale bio-based solutions in the country`s rural areas.
The second workshop focused on biomaterials and bio-based industries was held at the Macedonian Chamber of Commerce in early April and was attended by various relevant stakeholders from the field, such as representatives from academia, governmental bodies, industry, NGOs, and students of technology. Special thanks to professors d-r Jana Klopchevska, PhD, Vesna Rafajlovska, PhD, and Jadranka Blazevska Gilev, PhD, for the insightful lectures, and to all attendees for the successful completion of the practical exercises.