BioRural aspires to create a pan-European Rural Bioeconomy Network under which related stakeholders will cooperate to promote the currently available small-scale bio-based solutions in rural areas to increase the share of Bioeconomy, giving increased value in such remote areas.

Specific objectives

  • Assess and evaluate the current performance of the European rural Bioeconomy and identify factors affecting innovation adoption and diffusion of bio-based solutions in rural areas
  • Create a European rural Bioeconomy network of actors playing different roles for Bioeconomy expansion in rural areas (covering all Bioeconomy Themes)
  • Assess and promote bio-based solutions in rural areas
  • Facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity building for the European rural Bioeconomy
  • Develop and continuously optimise an online open stakeholders’ tool (BioRural Toolkit)
  • Create rural development blueprints for regional and business scale-up of resilient and circular biobased solutions in rural areas

BioRural in numbers


Regional Bioeconomy Platforms


European Rural Bioeconomy Network


Rural Bioeconomy Success Stories


Capacity building workshops


Regional workshops


Knowledge exchange workshops


Bioeconomy business models


European Bioeconomy Challenge


Interviews with end users/experts


Bioeconomy material


Success stories videos

Policy recommendations

Filmed workshops

Integration with EU's knowledge centre for Bioeconomy

BioRural is centered on three pillars
that feed into a publicly available BioRural Toolkit


The Pillar focuses on framing the Bioeconomy through the implementation of the following:

  • Information gap analysis
  • Knowledge exchange workshops
  • BioRural Toolkit


The Pillar focuses on encouraging cooperation and collaboration to scale up rural Bioeconomy through the implementation of the following:

  • 1 European Rural Bioeconomy Network
  • 4 regional Rural Bioeconomy Platforms
  • Circular success stories
  • Synergies with previous and ongoing innovative bio-economy projects
  • Capacity building and regional workshops, Bioeconomy challenge

Business Models

The Pillar focuses on Business models for resilience and circularity and planning for ERBN sustainability through the implementation of the following:

  • Business model blueprints for each theme
  • Post-project sustainability